Among the main problems encountered during the cleanup of a construction site are filtering and sediment control issues. Construction projects produce twenty-two hundred tons per acres of erosion each year. It is an incredibly common concern for the construction industry, and it is important to know how to help prevent this event for the safety of the people around the construction site as well as the environment.
Erosion Cause and Effect
Erosion occurs due inclement weather and large bodies of water, which can cause soil & sludge to rapidly spread throughout construction sites. This is one of the leading sources of toxins, nutrients, and sediments that can pollute waterways and streams. Grading or altering undisturbed land increases the erosion rate, resulting in the construction industry generating millions of tons of sediments every single year. This is a huge risk that can result in bigger fines due to building violations.
Erosion Control and Prevention
Erosion prevention methods can be done by combining practices and having efficient construction products. Practices to control depend on the type of the construction activity as well as the site’s conditions – a grassy site with low inclines will need less care than a site with steep inclines and large exposed areas. One practice is to limit the amount of soil to be disturbed, helping to prevent runoff coming from the off-site areas flowing to the disturbed areas. Any sediment that is present in onsite runoff has to be removed before it leaves the site, and all state requirements should be met.
Inlet Protection
There are a lot of different products that can help control and prevent these issues from occurring in the first place. A variety of different inlet protection and sediment control products can and should be used in the construction site cleanup, such as curb inlet filters, sacks, and bags. These products are specifically designed to promote a healthier environment and keep the construction site safe, not only for the workers but the people around the site and who will later occupy it as well.
There are many different benefits of using quality cleanup products offered by reputable companies. These companies can offer products that help keep the site as clean as possible, as well as helping to keep the water quality from becoming polluted by sediment in the runoff. Performing these sediment control practices and using professional filters are part of the solutions that is now mandated by the government as well. Sediment and stormwater control solutions are designed to protect the grates and drains from stormwater runoff that is full of sediment and toxic, harmful material. Sediment and cleaning up construction zones has become a serious issue and can be addressed by taking the time to determine proper implementation and technology. Using these methods to help keep your runoff sediment free can help keep the area safe for people and wildlife while preventing costly fines.